Procedures for LTR Visa holders who wish to obtain a personal driving license

The Department of Land Transport has established regulations for aliens applying for a driving license to submit work permit or proof of residence in the Kingdom issued by government agencies or foreign government agencies.

Therefore, LTR Visa holders wishing to obtain a personal driving license must provide proof of the current residence which can be obtained from

  1. The Embassy or Consulate of their own nationality. For more information please contact the Embassy or Consulate of your nationality directly
  2. or

  3. The Immigration Bureau at One stop service center for visa and work permit (OSS), Chamchuri Square Building by applying for Residence Certificate and submit following documents in person;
  • The evidence of your residence. It could be the receipt of TM.30 (notification to immigration that house-master, owner or the possessor notify you has stayed. the notification receipt through website or telephone are acceptable)
  • Passport
  • Copy of your passport (first page and visa page)
  • Copy of TM.6 card (If any)*

Please note that the processing time will takes 15 days after submitting request form.